Teaching English Language and Literature – master’s degree study programme

Characteristics of the study programme and graduate profile

The study programme develops theoretical knowledge and practical skills and abilities in a combination of linguistic and literary-scientific disciplines, and in key aspects of the educational process and pedagogical-didactic methods in the field of teaching English language and literature. It creates conditions for the development of critical thinking, supports self-realization and teaches how to effectively organize, lead and evaluate the educational process. The graduates have mastered the English language and are well-versed in the literature of Anglophone countries. They have theoretical knowledge and know the practical context of the theory and usage of the English language, as well as the analysis and interpretation of literary texts.

They are able to plan, organize and lead the educational process and understand the issues of pedagogical work in context of the diversity of the educated pupils and are capable of leading and comprehensively solving professional tasks in the field of language education.


Graduate profile

Thanks to the mastering the common teaching basis, the graduates have a deep theoretical knowledge of the fundamental factors and processes of socialization and education, of the cultural context of anthropogenesis and its psychological interpretations. They have mastered general education topics and the contents of their selected disciplines, they are familiar with the methodology of creating the content of the field and its wider cultural and social contexts. They can project this content for didactic purposes. Graduates acquired adequate knowledge in the field of education organization and management, as well as research and development methods in the field of pedagogy. In addition to mastering teaching skills (projecting, implementation and reflection of teaching in the classroom), they are able to participate in the development of methodological materials for teaching. They also have adequate knowledge of research and development methods in the didactics of their fields.

Graduates have a deep theoretical knowledge of current education models, they know the topics and methodologies of their selected disciplines, the theoretical and practical connections of professional didactics with the use of modern communication technologies – on the basis of which they independently project and implement teaching of the relevant subjects at lower and upper secondary level of education. They can adapt educational programs in the relevant disciplines to the specific needs of their pupils, classrooms and school types, they are able to efficiently support the development of pupils’ information literacy, analyze and assess alternative secondary education programs and know how to effectively communicate pedagogical and professional knowledge with a wider lay and professional communities.


Graduate opportunities

Graduates are qualified to become teachers of their specialisation subjects at all education levels.