Mgr. Lucia Mareková

Mgr. Lucia Mareková

Dissertation thesis topic:  Relationship of task complexity and filled pause use on L1/L2 fluency

Supervisor: prof. Štefan Beňuš, PhD.

Research interests:

  • speech fluency in L1 (Slovak) and L2 (English)
  • impact of cognitive demand on L1 and L2 oral performance
  • cognitive aspects of L1 and L2 speech production


Phonetics of English Language
English Phraseology
Research Methods
Practical Rhetoric
Practicum of English Pronunciation
Introduction to Research Methods


MAREKOVÁ, L. – BEŇUŠ, Š. Slovak ‘No’ and Its Pragmatic Meanings and Functions in Relation to Prosody. In Topics in Linguistics. – Varšava : Sciendo, 2020. ISSN 2199-6504, 2020, vol. 21, issue 1, pp. 1-14.

MAREKOVÁ, L., KRUYT, J. a BEŇUŠ, Š. The Effect of (Non-)Native Language and Task Complexity on Speech Entrainment. In: Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences ( ICPhS 2023): International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 07.08.2023-11.08.2023, Praha. Praha: GUARANT International, 2023, P. 1247-1253. ISBN 978-80-908114-2-3. I.