Monday 13:00 – 14:00, Tuesday 11:00 – 12:00 or by appointment
Research interests:
Practicum of English Pronunciation
Practical Rhetoric
Introduction to Linguistics
Analysis of Professional Text and Discourse
Popularization activities:
On the importance of phonetics and phonology in communication – prof. Beňuš for SRo
Zdôveria sa ľudia viac robotom ako ľuďom? A ako veľmi by sa mal robot podobať človeku?[Do people confide more in robots than humans? How much should a robot resemble a human?] – prof. Beňuš for Pravda
Ako sa rozprávať s robotom? [How to talk to a robot] – lecture for Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information
Aký hlas by mala mať umelá inteligencia, aby sme jej dôverovali? [What voice should an AI have to be trusted?] Talk with Doc. Štefan Beňuš, PhD. in Veda a technika.
New book out: